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Enrollments & Warranty Express

I would like to use Warranty Express. How do I get a password?

Contact our Enrollments Dept. for a password and then you will be able to access Warranty Express through this website. The login link is located in the top right corner of our website.

How long does it take for HOME to issue a password for Warranty Express?
What happens after I enroll a home and pay for the warranty on Warranty Express?

Have your buyers review the Application for Warranty at closing and sign it. A representative for the Builder must also sign the form. Mail or fax the Application for Warranty back to us for processing. Payment should be sent with the completed form (if you did not pay for the warranty online) within ten (10) business days of closing. Within 60 days, your buyers will be able to go online at to confirm their warranty.

I forgot to enroll a home and I’m closing in a half hour. Can I still get a warranty in time?
I lost the documents for a home I enrolled a home. How do I get duplicates?

If the home was enrolled manually (not on Warranty Express), simply call us for another copy.

If you used Warranty Express, login to the system and go to Order History. Look for View PDF. You will be able to reprint what you need or even have the entire e-mail with all the documents resent to you.

My sale fell through. I paid the premium through Warranty Express so how do I get a refund?
How do I update my contact information on Warranty Express?

You may edit your information under Account Settings.

I am having trouble with Warranty Express. How can I get help?
How can I confirm that my Title Company is sending in the completed Warranty paperwork and fees in order for HOME to validate coverage?

You can view the homes which are open as well as closed in your account at any time under Reports.

I need an Acceptance Letter for HUD. What do I do?
My Buyer never received or lost their warranty information. What can be done to help them?

Homeowners may call the Enrollments Department at 800-445-8173 to request duplicate documents. If they validated their coverage online at, their documents are available in PDF format at that address whenever needed.

The homeowner is moving. Is their warranty transferable?
Can the Warranty be extended?


Information is listed incorrectly on the Application for Warranty form. Can I make the changes myself?

Warranty Resolution

How does a Homeowner start the Warranty Claims Process?

The warranty book that was issued specifically for a particular home contains all the procedures to address a potential defect. Written documentation from the Homeowner in the format described in the warranty book must be sent to the Administrator, HOME of Texas in order to begin this process. This notice may be sent in writing to the administrator’s address or by email to  For convenience, resolution inquiries may be started online.  Click here for the form.

When does HOME schedule an inspection?
What is Involved in Resolving a Claim or Issue with the Home?

Mediation. In the majority of cases, the root of many disagreements is a breakdown in communication between the Builder and the Homeowner. Often, all it takes to get a problem resolved is for someone to take on the role of mediator and assist the other parties in arriving at a fair and reasonable agreement, based on the warranty standards provided. Before formal arbitration or costly litigation is used, HOME does its best to mediate disputes between Members and Homeowners. Mediation is an informal process involving the Homeowner, the Builder and HOME of Texas during the Builder’s period of responsibility. In this initial process, there is no charge to either party.

Arbitration.  If the issue is not resolved during mediation, the next step is arbitration, which is a formal procedure to resolve disputes conducted by a neutral, independent arbitrator. Arbitrators used by HOME of Texas are experienced in arbitrating residential construction matters. The decision of the arbitrator under our programs is binding on all parties, including the Builder as well as the Homeowner, unless prohibited by law.  Initially, the fee for the arbitration is paid by the Homeowner; however, the final decision on which party is responsible for the fee is made by the arbitrator.



How do I become a member?

Instructions on how to apply for membership are listed on our Membership page for your reference.  When you are ready to join, our online application takes less than 10 minutes to complete.  Upload any supporting documents needed via our secure file upload portal.

Do you have a secure link for confidential information?
What types of things are covered under my warranty?

HOME of Texas and its Affilates offer many different warranty options. The answer to this question depends on which warranty option was utilized for each home. Coverage varies depending on the warranty program selected by the Builder. Homeowners should review their warranty book for warranty terms and coverage details

I need to renew my membership. Can that be done online?


I would like to get some sample warranty books and consumer brochures to use with my prospective buyers. Are those kinds of things available and how do I get them?

HOME of Texas has a wide variety of FREE marketing materials for you to use. Things like lot signs, tabletop signs, brochures, window decals and more. The list of what is available may be reviewed here and on Warranty Express. You may order items through Warranty Express, or call us at 800-445-8173, ext. 2459, or email us at

How do I obtain the artwork for the HOME logo for my brochures and my website?
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